Raising the VIBE with OUR PETS
Raising the VIBE with OUR PETS
People with special needs/disabilities really appreciate the company of animals. It makes them feel so happy and like there is no problem in the world.
They love playing with the animals, feeding them and sometimes talking to them, as they don’t feel judgment from animals.
Benefits of experiencing animal interactions:
– Boosts mental health
– Promotes alertness and attentiveness
– Can improve temperament and promotes confidence
– Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
– Antidote to stress
We have seen and experienced fantastic outcomes whilst observing children and adults alike interact with our pets. Some people have been nervous at first, because of a new experience dealing with animals, and end up having a fun packed experience.
We provide a one hour animal interaction per session but can be extended upon request. In this way, there would be a decent period of time to enjoy the company of our pets, and have the best Pet Vibes experience.
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